

Friday, December 2, 2016

Where did the "Truth or Consequences" name come from?

Ralph Edwards’ popular game show, “Truth or Consequences,” opened every week with these words. The show aired on the radio from 1940-57, and on television beginning in 1950.
vintage post card for Hot Springs New Mexico“Why not find a town or city somewhere in America that would be willing to change its name to ‘Truth or Consequences,’ and do the anniversary broadcast from that city?” said a staffer.
Edwards liked the idea. The word went out. A number of cities responded. But one stood out from the rest: Hot Springs, New Mexico.
Why? Because it seemed to embody the same philosophy as Ralph Edwards and his show – namely, “A real friendliness for people and a desire to help mankind.” The city had the means to carry out this creed due to numerous local resources: its healing hot springs, the Carrie Tingley Hospital for Crippled Children (now the New Mexico State Veterans Home), a pleasant climate, close proximity to Elephant Butte Lake, and the genuine western hospitality of the people.
The show’s producer visited Hot Springs to work out the details with the mayor, the Chamber of Commerce, and other local big-wigs. A special election was held on March 31, 1950, and the name changed passed, 1294 to 295. And that is how “Hot Springs New Mexico” became a town named after a game show!