When it comes to exploring a new town, some travelers like to wing it. After all, there’s a lot to be said for a day without plans and the freedom to explore. But even if you’re a Type B traveler, you’ll appreciate facing that freedom armed with a little knowledge of how to get around—and maybe a dinner reservation to look forward to. Regardless of your personality type, we believe a little prep work goes a long way. Here are six tips for figuring out what to do in a new city.
Don’t waste time waiting on botched transportation or getting turned around in a new place. Before you go, take a minute to study a map. Get acquainted with the lay of the land and transportation options where you’re headed. What are the peak times to avoid public transit? Is there a subway? Do the trains stop running early on a certain day of the week? Does your destination offer ride-share programs or bike rentals? By finding the answers to these questions, not only will you save time (and your sanity), but you’ll also impress the locals with your new-city know-how.