

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

6 Tips For Your First Time In A New City

When it comes to exploring a new town, some travelers like to wing it. After all, there’s a lot to be said for a day without plans and the freedom to explore. But even if you’re a Type B traveler, you’ll appreciate facing that freedom armed with a little knowledge of how to get around—and maybe a dinner reservation to look forward to. Regardless of your personality type, we believe a little prep work goes a long way. Here are six tips for figuring out what to do in a new city.


Don’t waste time waiting on botched transportation or getting turned around in a new place. Before you go, take a minute to study a map. Get acquainted with the lay of the land and transportation options where you’re headed. What are the peak times to avoid public transit? Is there a subway? Do the trains stop running early on a certain day of the week? Does your destination offer ride-share programs or bike rentals? By finding the answers to these questions, not only will you save time (and your sanity), but you’ll also impress the locals with your new-city know-how.


And try it with an open mind. In Chicago, Illinois, for example, seek out Portillo’s Chicago dog—topped with mustard (never ketchup!), relish, celery salt, chopped onions, sliced tomatoes, pickle spears and sport peppers, all piled onto a steamed poppy seed bun—a very specific Windy City specialty. Embracing the charming tastes of a new city will supply you with great stories to tell when you return home.

Read more HERE 

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2205 N Date St
Truth or Consequences NM 87901
Comfort Inn and Suites - New Mexico