Work. Money. School. You can probably list a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t take a vacation. Still, there are a handful of life-at-a-crossroads moments that are so profoundly life altering, only staying occupied can help you move forward—no matter how determined you are to remain idle. From breakups to new babies, here are five major milestones that demand you heed the call of “I need a vacation” and GO!
You’ve wallowed in self-pity and eaten your weight in chocolate; now comes the upside of the breakup: making up for lost time. A vacation is a chance to do just that. What other occasion offers so many opportunities to exercise your new autonomy? From choosing the destination to planning the itinerary (or not!), every single decision is up to
you. And since some personal TLC is the goal here—and you now only have your own needs to meet and consider—you’ve got the green light to be unapologetically selfish. Bonus: A post-split getaway puts some distance between you and your ex in a way that’s much less cliche than a drastic haircut or a “love lost” tattoo.
If your idea of a vacation is R&R served with a sip of pina colada, brace yourself for this hard truth: That dreamy bubble of beachside hammock naps and dance-’til-dawn evenings pops once you have kids. It’s replaced by a web of logistics relating to car seats, nap schedules, picky eating habits and countless
soccer matches—and it remains that way until little Jack or Susie turns 18. OK, so we’re being a tad dramatic, but any parent will tell you that traveling with kids in tow is a real challenge. So if you’re expecting a little bundle of joy (whether it’s your first child or your fifth), be sure to book one last rejuvenating hurrah and relish in some
uninterrupted quality time with your partner.
Whatever the reason behind your new address, an upcoming move comes with an oft-overlooked perk: a window of opportunity for travel. Say, for example, you’ve accepted a job offer in a
new city. Instead of sliding right into your new role, propose a start date that would allow you to sneak in a quick getaway between gigs. Closing on a new home? Push the date back so you can squeeze in a vacay before having to unpack that mini mountain of moving boxes.
When grief and sadness seem inescapable, sometimes the best thing to do is, well, escape. Is that to suggest that your sorrow won’t follow you? No. But you might find that a different setting allows you to confront your emotions from a new perspective. More than just a vacation, a getaway can become a personal, spiritual journey during which you allow yourself the luxury of introspection. How will you move forward? What are you capable of? Answering questions such as these may help you heal.
Sure, being unemployed is scary. But it’s also downright invigorating, as the world once again becomes open to countless possibilities. Gone are the long hours, the deadlines, the limited vacation days. Gone is your ability to blame your job for your lack of spontaneity. So crunch some numbers, set a travel budget, and seize the day! You can’t predict when you’ll experience freedom like this again. Who knows? You might even return home with a renewed energy and enthusiasm that helps you land your dream job.
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2205 N Date St
Truth or Consequences NM 87901
Comfort Inn and Suites - New Mexico